Men's Life!
This is not an attempt to fill your schedule with one more thing to do or feel guilty about not doing.
We want to provide men with consistent opportunities to grow spiritually and also make a difference in our church and community.
guys, we might find it hard to admit, but we are
not "Superman"
(please don't tell the ladies...)
But we can learn from each other and do some growing as we
take on some of the challenges we all face together
as men. We can experience even
more of what
God has planned for us as we get together and sharpen each other as men.
We offer two times weekly for men to get together for some sharpening, accountability and times to really dig in and look for answers together in God's Word.
Currently we are meeting on Wednesdays @ 6 AM and @ 8:45 PM (420 N Main)
you will make one of these times your
time to get together with some men who want to grow and be
challenged to live the life that God has for us.
Make a
difference! We take on some work
projects together and invite you to get dirty with
us. These are setup as the need arises and can be a great way
make a difference with your skills and tools. Look for
announcements on the "calendar"
page about work projects or ask Pastor Bill how you could help
with something today.